A project from January of 2022 
I am proud of the the work I put into conceptual WildInti. I worked a lot on the ideology, but could not find the finish line. It's something that, for now, I condense and shelf. One day, this will come back into play. For now, I focus elsewhere <3 

Fierce is the power of love. To love fiercely is to stand for what is right, and to oppose what is not. 

ierce is a steady flame. There is one within each of us. A soul.

When you feel connection, the fierce loving flame burns strongly. When two candles connect, the fire grows.

The soul is individual, but it is also one. Oneness. 

Imagine the embrace of a loved one after a long time apart. Recall singing or chanting in unison with a massive crowd. Being witness to beauty, to nature. Laughing until your belly hurts. Unexpected kindness. Bravery.

This is fierce love. 

Have you felt fierce love before? Do you feel it now?

If you feel attracted to FIERCE - you seek a brighter flame, a soul filled with fierce love, and to know that sharing this feeling only makes it stronger. 

Centre is a grounding force, the feeling of coming home. The realization that you are alive and having a human experience. Yoga Guru Iyengar said: We must care for our bodies since they are the vessel for the soul. Without deep awareness of the body or the temple, we are not ready to expand into other energetic fields.  

Centre is nature, a complexity of cycles, biodiversity and ecosystems. We are not separate from these cycles. Compared to grand mountains or ancient trees, we have a relatively short life cycle, but feel pain and joy in remarkable ways.

When searching for centre, we acknowledge our heart is in one of two states, in heaviness or in lightness. As we go through life, we hold onto painful energies or release them back to the earth. This is not to say a memory doesn’t remain, but we deserve to be free of pain, as it becomes stale and uncomfortable in the temple space. Centre is the pursuit of calmness and lightness in the heart.

To practice, trust the earth below you, trust that it can carry your weight and take on your greatest burdens - for it holds the vast spectrum of life within it. Let go, and come home to your centre. It awaits your return.

(Everything else)
Power is simply, the mystery. Any belief system can connect with it. In the teachings of Spirit, Creator or God, an element of mystery is always present. Consider a scientist, who believes only that which can be measured; they would still agree there is plenty unknown to life on the planet and beyond. A journey of learning never ends. Limitless possibilities exist  

This can sometimes translate into fear, fearing the unknown. However, fearing the unknown assumes that what is behind that door is overwhelmingly negative, when in truth, the unknown lays ground to infinite possibilities. Take life’s mysteries with boldness and hope. Perhaps our perception shifts what the future holds.

If you feel attracted to Power – you desire to progress on your path, and to clarify your purpose. Here, you will find protection, strength and intuition to gain the wisdom you need to ascend into a higher state of being.

Wonder is a state of curiousity. Desire to find answers, explore and evolve.

Wonder is not a known finite point. It is imagination. Possibilities of the unknown. Openness to our our truest selves, our depth. 

One's gifts, either revealed or awaiting discovery. Simply wonder what they are. 

I want to share an Indigenous teaching about the buffalo I once learned as a kid:

A buffalo, when faced with a storm, does not run like the other animals but proceeds directly through it. Initially, there is stress, but much sooner the buffalo reaches the other side and can rest.  The other animals run wildly from the storm. They become tired. And the storm catches up. 

Living in wonder may be a rocky path at times. While many travel one direction and want you to come along, perhaps wonder leads you in the opposite direction. You should be free to do as you think and feel, and the agreement amoungst persons who cross paths is to simply respect the other’s right to wonder. Wonder fosters an open mindset, and to make possible learning and shifting one's perspective. Each unique perspective as valuable as the next.

 Wonder, illuminates the mystery from dark to light.

Have you ever wondered?